100 Word Memoir

There was a man coming after me. He stood at the gate across from me, he opened it and started walking towards me. My heart was pounding out of my chest. He came up to my face and screamed at me. I was terrified… he was definitely scary. I broke down into tears. All I could hear were adults saying “aww” and “poor kid” I sort of felt embarrassed. He left and I found it funny that he scared me to the point where I cried, so I laughed. I don’t think I want to go back there anytime soon.

Would You Rather?

Would you rather be ten years older or four years younger?

I would rather be four years younger because I miss being young and not having to worry about anything or any responsibilities. The only thing I would have to worry about is watching TV all day. I wouldn’t want to be ten years older because I don’t want to have to worry about anything like bills or work.